RWX is a project-based career exploration program that allows students to get a taste of potential careers by learning directly from industry professionals, develop the core competencies needed to make an impact in their chosen industry, and map out pathways to future career success.
Customizable according to your needs
Single-industry track
Multi-industry track
Curricular/ Co-curricular
Extra-curricular / Holiday
Class size
One classroom*
Single or multi-grade levels*
*Maximum of 25 students
1 day or less
5 days
3 months or more
Real-World Challenge
For students aged 14-18
As a teacher, what if you could contextualize your academic lessons with real-world problem solving scenarios by bringing an industry expert into the classroom? RWC is a challenge-based program designed for students to solve an industry case study and implement a solution through the lens of an industry professional. Co-facilitated by the teacher and industry professional, this program takes place during class hours and is seamlessly integrated into the subject curriculum.
Sample Challenges
Working with a team, develop a plan for a specialty coffee retailer to source their raw materials, such as coffee beans and fruit, from a sustainable and ethical supply chain. Identify strategies to achieve business objectives.
Design an innovative mobile app that promotes mental health awareness and self-care strategies specifically for university freshmen. Create a marketing campaign and content calendar to announce the launch of this app.
Present a strategy for a multinational tech company to implement energy efficient measures, paperless practices, and reduction of single-use plastic, outlining the stakeholders, time, and cost involved.